This time of the year comes around so quickly doesn't it? Literally seems like yesterday I was penning this for 2021. And we are about to draw the curtains on 2022.
Friday, December 30, 2022
Toodaloo 2022
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Its the most wonderful time of the year
Or so the song goes. Its not the most wonderful, but it is relaxed for sure. The girls are on their Christmas break and the house is filled with their howls and giggles :) There is enough fighting and just enough peace making. Since the weather is quite bleak and murky they do not get enough outdoor activity. To remediate this, in steps Cruel Mom Mwahahaha!
I mandate a walk in the evening. So yesterday we went on a walk around 1630 in the evening. It was pitch black by then, but thank God for street lighting and the jolly Christmas lights that people tend to put up around this time :) To incentivise the walk, I give one ear pod each to a child and act as the DJ dishing out songs. Now poor Pumpki has much smaller ears. The ear pods keep popping out. We had walked only a few metres and they had come off twice *facepalm* Then there was a brilliant idea by yours truly! Hat! We ran home and got a hat to secure the ear pod! Wow! The joys of cold, murky weather :P
We walked a decent stretch and were a few paces from home when the girls kept fiddling with their ear pods. I asked them to hand it over to me. They did. In my enthusiasm to secure them , my cold, numb fingers dropped one of them! On the road! With traffic buzzing past! Good Gawd!!!! The ear pods are a blessing for me. They keep me company with audio books when I do the most soul zapping tasks like folding clothes or cleaning the house. Even for interesting tasks like cooking, they are good company ;) And now I would have one :( The tragedy! And the over thinker me, already charted how one ear would be more impacted than the other and then it would lead to all sorts of issues. When the traffic was clear, I kept crossing the road to look. Thankfully being a residential area, the cars were not zipping past to kill me. The kids were equally distraught. Then suddenly Pumpki shouted, I found it. It was just a few paces from here. Being closer to the ground due to her shorter height she could see it. (This totally reminded me of a physics problem we used to do in school, about what would be the height of a person if he can see the sun across a sand dune, or something like that. Also not sure if it was Physics or Mathematics. ) This was the reversal of that situation of what distance a person can look down :D
With Pumpki having saved day, a lot of praise was bestowed on her. Even by Chiyaa who is not so generous with praise for her younger sister. She was patting Pumpki's back and thumping her shoulders as if Pumpki has scored the winning World Cup penalty shot! All is well that ends well and to end it even better, the trio marched to the nearest store to get some chocolates to celebrate!
PS. I think it was a Mathematics problem in trigonometry :D
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Yours thankfully :)