Friday, June 28, 2024

The beautiful eyes of a child

 The other day Pumpki and I were going to school. The radio was on and there was a caller on the station. The caller said that she had a date planned for one evening. She went to the supermarket to get a bottle of wine so that she did'nt turn up empty handed. When she was checking out, she saw herself in the security camera. She felt she looked horrible. She was so disgusted that instead of going ahead with the date, she went home and drank the bottle of wine alone. Then there was a ton of conversation around how do those cameras work etc etc.

Pumpki listened to this and said "I love the way the cameras work. They do the opposite of the hand that I am using (mirror image) and I find it hilarious) I felt so happy at the innocence which a child has. I wish as adults we all look at the many many brighter sides of life always instead of getting bogged down by the negatives. Many of which exist in our eyes only. 😊