Monday, September 2, 2024


 Tomorrow is the end of the best part of the year. The school summer holidays.

Parents dread the 6 week long break. But I just love love love it! August by itself is 'holiday season' with many people taking time off work. But the lack of school adds a special something for me.

First of all I get to turn off the morning alarm. It is a liberating move for me 🀣 The first couple of weeks of the school holidays I used to wake up as clock work at around 630 in the morning - the designated time for the school run. Slowly time began to slide. It became 7 then 730 till ultimately reaching the peak at 830! It was just pure bliss to crawl out of bed, grab the coffee and log in without bothering about uniforms, combing hair, checking school work and a million other things.

We had absolutely nothing planned since we never managed the time plus we had some other financial commitments. But the girls were fabulously engaged with each other. Before the holidays began we had made them make a routine of what they were going to do on a daily basis. But the first week we pampered them by letting them do lego and just chill. And like morning shows the day, the 3 days built the pattern 😝There was absolutely no adherence to any routine. Well, there was some flimsy routine if I can call that. The girls used to wake up at 830 which eventually slid to 1030! A lazy raucous breakfast followed by some reading, soem craft work. After which there was a dedicated screen time for 4 to 5 hours! As soon as K and I logged off around 5, it was dinner time followed by a 8k walk on most days. It was a time for us to connect and chat a lot as a family. I can't say enough about how much I  absolutely loved those walks.

K and I had some sporadic leaves  too. We took the girls out dining, shopping and the like. Again I must say it was super fun - be it shopping for books, lego, earrings or school stationery. We had a long pending desire to get a Nintendo Switch for the girls which we eventually did this summer. They both loved it and bonded so much over video games!The girls got super creative on one occasion and made 2 suspense movies using all the soft toys in the house. The movies and the screening of them to the whole house was the high point of the holidays for me.

During the holidays I thankfully did some prep work such as going through the clothes and ironing and mending them. As the last week began I had the best intentions to start going back to a more structured lifestyle. But then the devil on my shoulder said ' last week! Live a little!' And that's what I did! The wake up time nudged to 0845 making me scramble to log in at 9 on some days πŸ˜‚ and the bedtime in turn botched to past midnight ( which was oh so adventurous for me 😝) The very best thing was a surprise. I was expecting Pumpki 's school to reopen on 2nd September. But a chance conversation with another mom made me aware that it was to be 3rd. ONE FULL EXTRA DAY!! WOO HOO!

School starts tomorrow. There are niggling issues. My Mil starts for India tonight which will leave a gaping absence especially for the kids who enjoyed with paati a lot. Pumpki has shoes not to her liking for day 1!  I need to goto office on Chiyaa's first day. Things will be all over the place but it will all become routine. Here is to looking forward to another lovely summer!