Wednesday, May 22, 2024

And we are done

We reached office the next day. It was our first proper day at the office. Michelle was greeted to a pleasant surprise. Her hitherto lost suitcase was at her desk. There was a very interesting story to the origin of it. The colleague who had kindly offered to follow her to get the suitcase back had conversed with the passenger who had mistakenly taken her bag. He had got the details of the location of the person. He happened to be in a rural area where the colleague of ours had a friend. He asked his friend if he could collect the luggage. The friend gladly agreed. And as another happy coincidence the friend was coming over to Cluj the next day. So he drove in with the suitcase and ended up uniting it with Michelle. It was a very quickly resolved issue indeed something that was quite unexpected.

The day resumed for us in its full glory with a lot of meetings and chats and catching up and some bit of coding as well :). In the evening another colleague of ours offered to take us around the old town. He took us through the history of some of the old churches and buildings. We were treated to some amazing authentic Romanian food which was simply divine. With the food and the tour around the town, we called it a day. 

The next day was unremarkable in what needed to be done. After a packed day at work, we spent the evening shopping some souvenirs. It was very nice bonding, chatting and spending a relaxing time with Michelle. Day done the next step was pack up and a return home. It was a work trip which mixed some elements of fun and winding down. A very different one for me, for I havent done this since the kids. I would love to take them all along with me sometime in the future to beautiful Romania :) 

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