Monday, March 1, 2021

A letter to my daughters - second of many :)

Well as assured kids, here your mom is back with a letter for you guys. The pandemic has been wearing on, so a lot of the advice here might be clouded by the state of the world. 

1. Don't quantify success, or failure. You might be tempted to measure success in the number of things a person has, the places the person has been to, what the person does and many other such measurable attributes.  You never know the struggles or the freebies that came a person's way. Someone might have a seemingly having a sedate life, but you may not know the health ailments or loneliness the person may be battling. A person may have a jet setting life, but you never know the stresses riling him or her. Don't quantify your success with outwardly measurable quantities. Be grateful for many things you may take for granted. A healthy body. Be thankful  if you have a small caring circle of family and friends. Draw a sense of contentment from what you have.

2. Improve yourself and make things. Always try to become a better version of yourself. If you read 2 books in a month, try to read 3. If you can do push ups, try to do single arm ones. Try new things, and make new things. At the moment we are in the middle of a pandemic. And the internet  is the source of all things wonderful if you are willing to learn. I have learnt so many dishes and have started making our own pickles, breads and nut butters. I have finally managed to bake, which I had been trying to 10 years! And it is such an immense joy to bake and cook with you girls. Making something is the best feeling ever, giving you an immense of accomplishment. So make something, learn to cook new things, learn to grow new things, learn to make new things. Keep your fingers and your head busy.

3. If you need help, ask. It might seem a weakness, to seek help. But if you need help do ask. Most people will try to help. But unless you say, they may not know. So don't be afraid to ask for help. If someone declines, be happy that you tried.

4. Reserve your opinion unless asked. I have learnt it the hard way, but if you have opinions and if you have strong ones at that, it is very tempting to make it public. But be aware that it is not appreciated always. So keep your opinion to yourself :)

5. Try not to have regrets. I recently read in a book "The worst thing in life is having regrets. It not knowing whether it would have been a yes or a no. It is worse than rejection, because rejection is no and you can deal with it." Whenever faced with a choice, don't think of the failure that might come forth with an endeavor, the rejection you might face for your efforts. Think of the regret you might have if you don't take the step. So go for it! 

Well, that's all for this installment :) Till next time!


1 comment:

Renu said...

Good one! And it applies to all.