Friday, May 14, 2021

What are kids for?

 If I cant use them to write my next post :D 

Its been ages since I wrote isn't it? I have been thinking that I haven't written in a while, but there is absolutely nothing to write about either. Things are the same old same old. 

Except of course for the kids who surprise us every day. Last weekend Pumpki had a bit of  a cough. In fact Chiyaa had a cold and cough the week before so it was obvious that Pumpki eventually get it. Now this little one is a sly one. She in complete contrast to her elder sister hates everything. She hates school, she hates swimming, she hates karate (which she even went up and  told the teacher!!) . She finds everything "boring". All she wants to do is "be lazy and play at home". Mind you she is very strong willed. So when she got a cough last week, we asked her to have ample warm water so the cough subsides. She said "But I dont want the cough to subside" We were aghast! But why? "Because they said you shouldn't come to school if you have a persistent cough" God, we had no answer to that.

Anyways, we insisted on warm water and regular calpol to keep her well. On Saturday night, her cough was a bit more raspy. K was worried, though I was smug sure, it was a normal cold. K got in touch with the Covid helpline, who had a quick check and recommended she get a test done. I was a bit worried about a 5 year old getting a nasal swab. But madam was excited. She was behaving as if this was a moment of privilege. She painstakingly picked the jacket and shoe to wear for the test! For the one hour, dad and daughter were gone to the test centre, I was in constant worry. But then they came back and Pumpki had the air of a celebrity. She got a sticker for being brave and was very proud of it. The test results would take a day or two to come back. This meant we most probably would have both the kids home for Monday and Tuesday. It was not a pleasant idea. But, there was no choice.

Monday morning, I was the least prepared parent. I was sure they wouldn't be off to school. So I didn't have Chiyaa's lunch packed. We were lax in ironing their uniforms. I woke up later than usual since I was sure I would not need to do the school run. At 07:15 K shouted, "Its negative!". Woo hoooooo!!! We scurried to get them out of the door. All the chores were done at break neck speed and the kids were out by the usual time. We could not help but be amused at the disappointment of Pumpki at having to go to school :D Poor kid had real high hopes that she would be scot free from all the "boring" tasks for the next two days. :D Dil ke armaan aansuon main beh gaye :( 

1 comment:

Renu said...

Your little one is so cute! Now a days I see that generally kids love school.