Monday, July 12, 2021

Dress Rehersal

 The summer holidays are 2 weeks away. As I have adequately portrayed in my posts, they are  a bittersweet experience for me. More sweet than bitter to be honest. I relish reliving my childhood through the summer hols of the kids. There is a lack of routine which is so relaxing. The bitter part, is the juggle of work. Any day I would love to tear myself away from work and just play play play with the kids. But there are office tasks and with kids being at home, there are a bit more chores at home.

Last week, we had the kids isolating at home. There were positive Covid cases in both Chiyaa and Pumpki's classes. (The schools work on a bubble system. Each year group is a bubble. If there in a positive case in a year group which includes students and teachers, that year group has to self  isolate for 10 days) So they had to self isolate at home for a week. It was a coincidence that there were positive cases in both classes, else one of them would have had to go to school - which would have been hard to manage! It was back to the norm of home learning, which is skill we wont forget in a rush I think :) It was also back to the norm of lot of playing for the sisters. It was back to the norm of stretching the bed times since there was no rush to getting up early and dressed for school. It was back to no more school pickups and drops. It felt like a dry run, a little pre-cursor to the lovely summer vacations that are round the corner.

The kids go back to school today and I cant wait for the 2 weeks to pass soon enough!

1 comment:

Renu said...

I miss my children’s childhood:(