Tuesday, June 21, 2022



My family would love a pet. A cat, a dog, a bird, anything would do. The kids wouldn’t even mind a gecko! There was a stroke of luck when my elder daughter started learning about metamorphosis in school. To depict it practically, their teacher had a setup of caterpillars. The caterpillars were in a container, and they slowly grew into chrysalis and became butterflies. She was very keen on having a set up at home too. We  were fine with it since we thought the kids could see the process first hand.

Little did we realise this was their attempt at having a pet. Even if for a short time. They looked at the caterpillars with the diligence of a scientist but with the love of a parent. They made notes, kept count of the number of days to the next phase and even gave them names. The chrysalis hatched and the butterflies remained in the station for a few days being fed sugar water, flowers and juicy fruits. After 4-5 days we released them. And it was such a pleasure to see the kids enjoy the experience. We thought they might be sad at seeing the butterflies go, but kids always see the happy picture. My daughter said, “Now the butterfly can have fresh nectar”. Seeing the brighter side, such an amazing but simple skill 😊



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