Monday, July 11, 2022

Morning shows the day?

This is my last week at my current work place. The time has flown so swiftly. There is never a dull moment when it comes to work here. The days are packed choc-o-block with something or other to do. Along with it, I have an impending holiday to plan as well. I join in the next job and within a week I am off for a week. So there is technically speaking no room to breathe. So in the midst of break neck work, there is all the juggling and planning of the holiday too.

My notice period has been quite eventful. I have done a lot of work, it has been crazy busy. But with some portions of work, I have deliberately taken it relaxed as well. I have not immersed myself in a lot of critical tasks. I had plans to study a lot and do minimal work 😉 but that did not happen around here. As I have a week to join the new place, I intend to catch up on some studying! I will be coming in to work one more day. So rather than procrastinating the pack up, I tidied up my desk today. I packed up all the accumulated debris over the past 3.5 years. There were documents, pens, post it notes and some weird and wonderful things like a tub of salt and shoes! I have packed them all and kept them ready to go! And I reminisce that when I joined this place, my biggest qualm was with coming in to work every day. I was more attuned to the culture of working from home. And that has been the last nail in the coffin which prompted me to quit the job! Morning shows the day indeed.

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