My office has a big presence in Cluj-Napoca in Romania. And my manager is someone very keen on building relationships and hence one who encouraged us to travel and build a face to face rapport. I was not very keen on the travel, but then gave in thinking that it would be a good experience. K was happy with managing the kids for 4 days and said also asked me to go on the trip. It would be my first time away for 4 days from the kids. I had stayed a few nights away from them, but never 4 nights. It would need some getting used to on both sides. As soon as my tickets and accommodation were confirmed, I told the kids.
I: “I am going to Romania”
Chiyaa: “What? With Sorina aunty? “ (Sorina is my friend and hails from Romania)
I: No not with her, by myself.
Chiyaa: So nice.
There were some more questions as to when, for how long, who would put them to sleep, who would do the school runs etc etc. There were a few tears from Pumpki. I was very sad because she was sad, but then it was something that had to be done. The next evening Chiyaa mentioned , “You will be rid of us annoying kids for a few days and must be so looking forward to the trip”. K corrected her that that would be probably something he would do, not mummy. I was thankful for the reply and the girls were maybe convinced.
That night while putting them to sleep I mentioned,
‘If it was school holidays I could have taken you and daddy to Cluj. He could have taken you around when I went to office”
Chiyaa : “What do you mean he would have taken us around?”
I: “I would be at office so only daddy would have to take you for site seeing and all.”
Chiyaa : “Why would you be in office? And what office? “
I: “Oh didn’t I mention? I am being sent through work, so I would need to goto office every day.”
Chiyaa:”Oh so you are not going on a holiday?”
I:”Of course not, why would I go on holiday without you all? “
Chiyaa: “ Ohhhh I thought you wanted a holiday without us and would be having a fun trip by yourself.”
I : (hugging them) “How can I have a fun trip without you.”
Pumpki: “Now I feel sorry for you that you will have to goto office everyday.”
I: “Aww.”
Pumpki: “ Who asked you to goto Cluj.”
I: “My manager.”
Pumpki: “ I hate your manager.”
It was so weird and funny that missing 2 words for work made all the difference. All the anxiety of not having me around got transformed into anger for my boss real quick ;)