Friday, December 31, 2021

31st December 2021

 It literally seems like yesterday that I was penning down my year end post. The first year of the new decade comes to an end today and I am left with a very dull and numb feeling. 2021 was  a year of most unprecedented and unexpected events. 

Work presented all sorts of twists and turns. There were days when I was this close to looking for a new opportunity. The location changed for me and I am not keen on travelling to the new location once we are called to start coming in. I would have looked other places but I want to see how the work from home scenario pans out. The new year will bring in our team's merger with another and that in turn will bring in a whole load of other changes from technology to management and also work culture. What the next year holds in stock will be seen. 

I am not a social person and don't host or visit people that often. But there is a Diwali lunch and a New Years Eve dinner that I host. But I noticed that both events were giving me more strain than being an occasion for meeting friends. The coming year I have decided to cut out these two gatherings. I don't believe in taking any unnecessary stress. No superfluous rituals, no extraneous relationships. And next year I have decided to get rid of a few more. 

Both K and I have had some shocking events in our families. I have the view that they are unpleasant but essentially good changes. The future holds the fruits of these seeds that have been sown. 

I feel the next year will be a year where we will start seeing the consequences of the events that have happened this year. So here is hoping the next year brings in a good crop. A good crop of smiles and opportunities and successes. A good yield of happiness and satisfaction. A good produce of peace. Happy new year to all!

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