Monday, April 17, 2023

Step 3: maiden train journey in India

 We had expected that there would be some trouble with the kids having an early start at 5 for Bangalore. Surprisingly the girls were quite well managed and got ready on time. There was a quick ride to the train station. It was around 5 in the morning, but there were so many people running. There was the usual hustle and bustle of activities that is integral to India. That itself was caffeine for me ๐Ÿ˜€

At the station it was a cacophony of noises. There were poeple on the floor sleeping while waiting for the next train. There were mad rushes and anxious runs. Pumpki was quite intrigued by it all. She asked if people sleep in the station. I clarified that no, perhaps it was a long wait and finding no other way to rest, people have taken to the floor. 

In the midst of all this, Miss Pumpki needed a wee. We ventured to the paid toilets. They were quite ok and being used by all sorts of people. But there was only an Indian toilet there, which scared poor Pumpki ๐Ÿ˜€ I found it all too hilarious to be honest ๐Ÿ˜‚ A kind lady offered that we could use to a/c waiting room for some western toilets. Off we went! Toilet used, we went to patiently wait for our train.

Since we had a lot of luggage, we had to resort to hiring a porter. This was again something that was a new experience for the girls. Once seated in the coach, we were inundated with IRCTC catering personnel screaming Chai, vada, puri subzi, samosa, various biscuits and cakes. It was annoying. At the same time, it evoked nostalgia. Back in the day train journeys were a part and parcel of holidays. The journey could be anything from 12 to 22 hours long. I remember having the smell of iron on my hands when I stepped out of the destination and feeling the sensation of motion many hours after deboarding. The journeys used to be tiring. But they had a weird charm. Buying from the various vendors, sleeping on the berths, chatting and bonding with co-passengers. Every journey was unique. This journey wasn't unique like the ones I have made in the past. But it was unique taking the girls through this special experience. They are quite composed in themselves and do not react profusely at anything. I am not sure if it was an indelible journey. I hope they enjoyed it and will talk about it once they are older as I fondly remember my train journeys ๐Ÿ™‚

5.5 hours later we arrived in garden city Bengaluru!

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