Tuesday, November 16, 2021

A smile a day - 1

 Wow, its been ages since I wrote. Not that people are clamouring for my words nor do I have words coming out of my ears. But, like many bloggers, I don't want to loose the habit of writing. For its a good habit isn't it.

So a self imposed challenge. A smile a day.I will write about something that made me smile in a day. Lets see how it goes and how long it goes :) 

Yesterday K came to the kitchen craving something sweet. There was a box of chocolates, which was stored on a higher shelf. He reached out to it but in the process, the lid came undone and he dropped the box. The cleanliness freak in me shouted "Come on ! What a mess!" K gently said "Oh no! Now I have to eat alllllll the chocolates on the floor" :P

And that's how the bomb was diffused and I even got a good laugh :D 

PS. I laugh easily

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