Wednesday, November 24, 2021

A smile a day - 7

 Wow! The seventh post about something that causes the lips to curve in a good way :)

Chiyaa is currently being home schooled because of a rise in Covid-19 cases in her year group. Since she's at home, I try to give her some chores or other so that she is not sitting on the desk constantly. Yesterday I asked her to remove the bedspreads and duvet covers in their room so that I could wash them. 

Iteration 1, the duvet covers got removed and were on the floor. I screamed at her to do it properly. 

Iteration 2, the bedspread was removed. I removed the pillow covers myself and asked her to get the stuff down.

Nothing happened for a while and I screamed again.

After sometime Chiyaa came down holding the duvet! I was in splits! That absent minded silly girl, brought down the entire duvet instead of the covers! God! Shes silly!

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